Tag Archives: Insights

The Great Organisational Reset - Part One

Posted on 11-Feb-2021 by Administrator

It’s difficult to find a new way to describe the reset that organisations are experiencing today due to the global pandemic. So much has already been written and said. But what is abundantly clear is that ways of working have fundamentally changed for all time to come. The fundamental construct of engagement has changed and making human connections is even more difficult than ever before. While organisations have innovated in... Continue Reading


Return on Character: The Real Reason Leaders and Their Companies

Posted on 28-Apr-2015 by K S Kumar

Brief description of Fred Kiel's book taken from the HBR website. Seems an interesting read. PUBLICATION DATE: April 07, 2015 PRODUCT #: 16899E-KND-ENG Does the character of our leaders matter? You may think this question was answered long ago. Countless business authors and analysts have assured us that great leadership demands great character. Time and again, we've seen that truth play out, as once-thriving organizations falter and fail under the guidance... Continue Reading

Tom Peters on Leading the 21st Century Organization: Mc Kinsey Quarterly

Posted on 15-Oct-2014 by K S Kumar

Thirty years after leaving McKinsey, the prolific author returns to discuss tomorrow’s management challenges and the keys to organizational change and transformative leadership in any age. Follow the link to the article  http://www.humanresources.co.in/hr-downloads/Default.aspx You need to be a registered member to download the article   Continue Reading

Hiring - Warren Buffet

Posted on 17-Aug-2014 by K S Kumar

In looking for people to hire, you look for three qualities: integrity, intelligence, and energy. And if they don't have the first, the other two will kill you - Warren Buffet Continue Reading

Experience - Aldous Huxley

Posted on 24-Jul-2014 by K S Kumar

Decoding the hum at the workplace

Posted on 20-Jul-2014 by K S Kumar

Have you ever walked into an office and, without speaking with anyone, got a positive feeling or equally a feeling that something was not alright? Is it the pace with which people walk around? Is it the way people interact? Is it the smiles or lack of them? Is it the little sounds of laughter or the deep silence?  Most professionals with a reasonable sense of intuition can get a feel... Continue Reading

Training Retention With & Without Support

Posted on 15-Jul-2014 by K S Kumar

This graph illustrates what happens to proficiency and competence after training with and without support. Any examples members have to share to support this ? Continue Reading

Time to Split HR - Ram Charan : HBR Blog

Posted on 12-Jul-2014 by K S Kumar

http://hbr.org/2014/07/its-time-to-split-hr/ar/1 Read the article. Has a rather scathing view on HR. Look forward to comments from the HR folks on this site     Continue Reading